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Graduation is an important ceremony in the world of higher education where students who have completed their studies receive academic degrees in recognition of their efforts and achievements. However, did you know that the origin of graduation actually comes from campuses in Europe? Let’s explore more about the origins and history of graduation that started on European campuses.

The Origin of Graduation

The history of graduation can be traced back to the Middle Ages in Europe. By that time, university campuses that first appeared in Bologna, Italy, in the 11th century, and then in Paris, France, in the 12th century, had become centers of study and learning. At this time, higher education focused more on philosophy, theology, canon law, and medicine. These campuses have a tradition of celebrations to honor students who successfully complete their course of study.

Early Academic Celebration

In the beginning, this academic celebration was not uniform as we know it today. Additionally they are often simpler events and are limited to students who have achieved a certain level of academic achievement. However, over time, this tradition developed into a more formal and festive event.

The Influence of the Monastic Lifestyle

One of the factors influencing the development of graduation is the monastic lifestyle in monasteries and religious institutions. While in many monasteries, special rituals and special clothing are use to mark the attainment of various stages in religious education. This influence coincided with the development of university graduation traditions, with uniforms starting to become an integral part of the celebrations.

Graduation Outfit

One of the most famous elements of graduation is the uniform worn by students and lecturers. However this dress has its roots in the formal dress worn by academics in the Middle Ages. This uniform consists of a long robe with a tie around the neck and a special hat that reflects the academic level achieved.

Development of Tradition

Over time, the graduation tradition continues to grow and spread to various parts of the world. Universities in different countries adopt this tradition and change it according to local culture and values. Despite its European origins, graduate has now become an important event in the world of global education.

Symbolic Meaning

Graduation is not just a formal ceremony to award academic degrees. It also has a deep symbolic meaning. Graduation symbolizes a student’s accomplishments, intellectual journey, and personal transformation. This is an important moment where students celebrate their hard work, and they officially join the larger academic community.

In conclusion the history of graduation, which originated on European campuses, reflects a long journey in the world of higher education. From a simple ceremony in the past, graduate has developed into a major event that students around the world respect and look forward to. This is an important moment that honors their efforts and dedication in the pursuit of knowledge, and symbolizes their connection to a rich and varied academic tradition.